Nostalgic Moments

‘’A sentimental longing for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations.”

Even though I’m young and most of the time older people are the ones suffering from nostalgia, I actually think about the subject pretty often. That’s because I’ve got a lot of clear, beautiful memories from my worrieless and peaceful youth which make me want to go back sometimes. Continue→

Train Torture


Yes, Torture with a capital T. Being an university student now means traveling by train for half an hour every time I have my lessons. Before it all started, I thought that would be the fun part of the day, since I kinda like sitting alone in a traincabine while listening to music and looking outside. But now I know better. Only one week has passed, but the traveling already annoyed the hell out of me. Continue→


‘’The writer’s duty is to keep on writing…” – William Styron

Now I wouldn’t call myself a writer.. I mean, like I said in the beginning, I’m not trying to make my blog professional; it’s just a place where I can express myself. But still this quote of William Styron—a man I’ve never actually heard about, I’m sorry if I’m hurting anyone’s feelings now—was pretty catchy to me. That is because in my very first blogpost, I promised to update my blog at least once a week, and well.. I already failed. And I don’t like to fail (oh really?). So that’s why I’m posting an update right here right now, with a cliché captatio benevolentiae in the form of a quote, to hopefully make up to you guys (and that ‘guys’ means three followers already, which I certainly hadn’t expected so early, thank you very much!) while extensively explaining my absence this whole month. Continue→


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Stress.. we all cope with it sometimes—some people maybe more than others, because of their busy lifestyles or due to their neurotic personalities, but there’s one thing we can all agree on: having stress is stressful. That may sound weird, but I will explain. The thing about stress is that it doesn’t only cause a chaotic mind, but frequently also has very unpleasant physical effects. The most common ones are headaches, fast heart beats, sweating in combination with coldness, dizziness, and shivers all over the body. Probably the best solution would be to stop whatever we’re doing and not continue after we’ve calmed down. Seems easy, but most of the time there are our stubborn nature and pride that take over, which makes our problems become bigger and bigger. And with our weakened immune system, we’re yet less able to get things done or to think properly, what causes even more stress each time. That’s how we’ve reached the vicious cycle and found out what makes stress so stressful. Continue→

To get started..

Run a sick ass blog

After years of seeing other people have the courage to do it, I finally feel like it’s my time to get started blogging as well. Not with the purpose to join the popular bloggers-community that we see nowadays, or to maybe get free stuff in the future like a lot of bloggers do, but just because I have always liked writing and had some sort of creative spirit in me I didn’t know what to do with. Continue→